Medhya rasayana is a group of Ayurvedic herbs and preparations that are used to improve memory, intellect, and mental health. The word "medhya" means mind, and "rasayana" means rejuvenation.
In Ayurveda, the agni, or metabolic fire, is responsible for transforming what we take in to our body into the wellness that supports our thriving existence. Agni is essentially the energy of transformation. Life depends on agni, as it serves to create and destroy everything. Certain types of agni also help us to digest and assimilate experiences and emotions.
Ojas is the essence of vitality and immunity, and it provides stability and nourishment to the tissues, moisture to the skin and mental clarity. It is the subtle essence of the kapha dosha, existing both as an energy and, according to the ancient Ayurvedic texts…