How to Create a DIY Ayurvedic Retreat

Has late winter been feeling extra cold and heavy for anyone else?

Where I live, it feels like it’s been raining nonstop for weeks. Rather than get bummed out about the weather, I’m choosing to lean all the way into the cozy stay-at-home vibes by hosting an at home retreat for myself.

This means gathering supplies to set myself up with luxurious body care, warm beverages, nourishing food and healing herbs. For me, creating space for an at-home retreat is also an opportunity to revive my mindfulness practices by creating space for reading, rest, and reflection. In order to really hold myself accountable and keep the space sacred, I do my best to set a boundary with technology by turning my phone to airplane mode or leaving it in another room!

Ayurveda offers such a beautiful container for ritual and it is always the thing that helps me come back to myself and restore the practices that actually feel good.

Ready to dream up your very own at-home Ayurvedic retreat?

Tips for Making Your At-Home Retreat Happen

  1. Create space in your calendar.

  2. Outline a dreamy (and spacious) retreat itinerary.

  3. Set an intention.

  4. Gather your supplies.

  5. Prepare your home.

  6. Commit to yourself.

Ideas for Designing an At-Home Retreat

  • Practice mindfulness — journal, meditate

  • Move in ways that feel good — simple stretching, walking or yoga are perfect places to start

  • Sip warm herbal beverages — feel cozy and nourished all day long

  • Read inspiring books — let your mind get curious, imaginative and thoughtful

  • Care for your body — HINT: have you tried self oil massage?!

  • Rest and reflect — when was the last time you gave yourself permission to daydream?

For a more in-depth discussion of all of these ideas, read the compete article originally written for our friends at Banyan Botanicals.

Let us do the work for you.

Experience a guided at-home Ayurvedic Rejuvenation Program

Join us for the The Reset for Resilience every April and October.

This is the Ayurvedic reset that you have been craving.

Access a renewed sense of energy and clarity in just 28 days of simple living.

We'll show you how to cleanse and design a life with Ayurveda in a way that works for you.

Get ready to learn ancient rituals for body care, eat real food and find joy in the process of renewal.